Dear Secondary School families, Congratulations on yet another incredible season of activities at Lincoln School! We are very proud of our SAISA teams and the attitude, determination, sportsmanship and focus they displayed during our culminating tournaments. If you did not catch the news, our boys won SAISA football for the...

This week in reading, students focused on rereading to be sure to understand what is happening in the book and practiced talking to a partner about what might happen next. Over the mini-break, ask your student to teach you the "This Just In" game! In writing, we wrapped...

Good afternoon, It was a fun week with lots of learning, even though it was short. On Tuesday, with PS/PK, the kids learned about and celebrated Chinese New Year with crafts and a story. On Wednesday, with PS/PK, the kids learned about and celebrated Valentine's day. In...

Today in Writers' Workshop, we explored the different meanings of the abstract noun "love" and then researched love poems on Poetry Foundation and The Academy of American Poets. We each selected a poem to print and read aloud, then we cut individual lines from each...

Mr. Ken came to visit the Grade 1 class and shared some photos he took last weekend on a bike ride around Kathmandu. On his ride, he noticed some brick factories and saw how much smoke they were creating! Mr. Ken took pictures to share...