Hello Parents! The LES classes have finished another great week in Physical and Health Education. I continue to be impressed with the students' desire to become healthier, active people. Below are a few highlights from this week: PE - The students worked to acquire skills and concepts related...

In reading this week, we held a "book talk" on the book Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel. We analyzed the characters-- thinking about their actions and feelings-- and looked for a message about friendship from the author. In writing, students continued to work on adding strong reasons to support...

Good afternoon, The kids were invited back to see the rollercoaster creations by the Middle School students. They had a great time asking questions about how long it took to make and how they made it. In reading, the kids are learning to read bigger and more...

Dear Secondary Parents, You should have received Semester One report cards in your email today. These report cards provide you and your child with the most accurate information about the learning that took place first semester. If you have any questions or concerns about your son or daughter’s...

To begin our new social studies unit on maps and globes, students explored a variety of different maps and globes in the classroom. Students noticed things like colors, pictures, and labels. We discussed similarities and differences between maps and globes, making a class Venn diagram....

Good afternoon, Happy New Year to everyone. It was a fun-filled week learning about everyone's winter break. The kids loved sharing all the things they did. We got back to our regular classroom routine very easily, the kids came to school eager to learn. In reading, we...