Good afternoon, It was a very busy week in the Primary 1 classroom! Reading We continue to focus on specific reading skills during our small group work, which the kids then take back and try when reading with a partner or on their own. Writing The kids finished publishing their...

This week in reading, Grade 1 students learned some strategies for how to "read aloud like an expert," like changing their voice to match the feeling and marking interesting parts to stop and talk about. Then, students worked to prepare a nonfiction read-aloud to share with their G5...

As part of our regular emergency preparation, Lincoln students and staff practiced an earthquake drill today. Our practice is to drop and cover, wait for the shaking to stop and count to 60. At that time teachers lead students outside to the field where our...

Good afternoon, Another short week in Primary 1, and even though it was short, it was very productive. Ms. Tripta and I would like to wish everyone who is celebrating a Happy Thanksgiving! Reading During our small group work, we have been focusing on skills to make their reading more...

By Anushka, Grade 12 On November 15th ten LS Model United Nations Club students traveled to the Netherlands for the Leiden Model United Nation (LEMUN) conference. LEMUN is a secondary school MUN conference with approximately 450 delegates, organized by students of the Stedelijk Gymnasium in Leiden. While at the conference students...

This week in reading, students learned to do a slow check to be sure their reading looks right, and to find and think about key words in nonfiction books. Students worked to edit an informational book, self-assessed their progress so far, and set a goal for their...