Up on the rooftop with a slightly cool afternoon breeze, Yoga for Teens P.E. Class practices Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) promoting a healthy recharge. The challenge is learning to stay aware (mindful) while allowing the body to relax completely. Only two students fell asleep today! ...

The 9th grade Spanish and French class shared a lovely time making crepes today. The French class taught the Spanish students how to evenly spread the batter with the twist of their wrist and cook it until it was a golden brown. It was the...

A key component of social-emotional learning is the ability to identify and regulate one's emotions. In Grade 3 students realized we can feel many emotions at one time. They beautifully depicted their many feelings with shapes and colors. ...

This week in reading students reviewed the good habits readers have when reading to self, reading to someone, and solving hard words. During writing we began revising our best writing piece by rereading to make sure it makes sense and by adding even more details to...

Sortie à l’Alliance française Jeudi 12 octobre 2017 Aujourd'hui, les classes de Francais 3 et 5 sont allées à l’Alliance Française pour visiter les locaux et la bibliothèque et assister à un concert de Jazz. Nous sommes partis de l’école en fin de matinée. A l’Alliance française,...

[google-drive-embed url="https://drive.google.com/a/lsnepal.com/uc?id=1zNsaG4CBOLIZAE_K3xy8G2TJQOVz5uFDzg&export=download" title="End of Week 10.gif" icon="https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/image/gif" width="500" height="373" extra="image" style="embed"] The kids were very busy learners this week. Reading The kids have been working on reading both the pictures and the words in their books. They have been practicing choosing books that they can read the words...

This week in reading, students practiced giving book introductions to partners and learned more strategies to try at tricky words. In writing, we studied George McClement's book Night of the Veggie Monster, noticing what he does to make his story so special, and tried out some of his...

After two years of planning, Dave Johnson and his team of Denver zookeepers arrived at Lincoln School. Kicking off their two week trip to Chitwan and Bardia, Dave and the Nepalorado team started with a presentation that informed and inspired students! Discussing the importance of conservation,...

The festive spirit of Tihar was warmly welcomed on campus Wednesday afternoon. The support staff and teaching assistants put together a wonderful program highlighting Nepali culture and the Tihar Festival. Singing, food, and dancing brought everyone together for a joyous celebration.  ...

This week the 9th grade English students have read the powerful story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst.  The story is famous for including a vast amount of strong imagery.  In order to understand the importance of these images the students collected, collated and evaluated...