The learning continued throughout Saturday afternoon during the Reading Workshop Institue held at Lincoln School.  Lincoln teachers dove deeper into their understanding of the workshop model. Focusing on conferring with students, working on mini-lessons and improving interactive read alouds were several of the topics covered. The...

The Boys Volleyball team started their season off with a home game against club team JVTC of Jawalakhel. Despite close scores, the mighty Snow Leopards took the first two sets. Solid hitting, communication, and blocking kept the team together as they were undaunted by their...

What a busy week we had in first grade! Students learned how "Read to Someone" can help practice fluency (making our voices sound smooth and interesting like talking when we read). We also built our stamina to read independently for 14 minutes! In writing, we...

Always learning, always growing! Visiting literacy consultants Scott Riley from Singapore American School and Anne Marie Chow, UWCSEA, seen here, are working with Lincoln teachers from grade P1 to G8. The focus of the two-day institute is on the methodology of Reading Workshop. ...

  As part of the Lincoln School ASA program, students from the School Newspaper Club met for the first time last week.  Interviews, articles and interest columns about happenings on campus are being drafted and drawn up for the upcoming first edition of the Snow Leopard Times. Stay...

In classroom counseling time P1 discussed the different ways we communicate our wants and needs about personal space. Here they are practicing non-verbal communication of their feelings: angry, happy, surprised, and sad. [gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3LmxzbmVwYWwuY29tXC93cC1jb250ZW50XC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDE3XC8wOFwvRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXItNi0xLmpwZyIsInRpdGxlIjoiRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXIgNiIsImNhcHRpb24iOiIiLCJhbHQiOiIiLCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6IiJ9,eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3LmxzbmVwYWwuY29tXC93cC1jb250ZW50XC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDE3XC8wOFwvRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXItNC0yLmpwZyIsInRpdGxlIjoiRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXIgNCIsImNhcHRpb24iOiIiLCJhbHQiOiIiLCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6IiJ9,eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3LmxzbmVwYWwuY29tXC93cC1jb250ZW50XC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDE3XC8wOFwvRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXItNy5qcGciLCJ0aXRsZSI6IkZ1bGxTaXplUmVuZGVyIDciLCJjYXB0aW9uIjoiIiwiYWx0IjoiIiwiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiIifQ==,eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd3d3LmxzbmVwYWwuY29tXC93cC1jb250ZW50XC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDE3XC8wOFwvRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXItNS0yLmpwZyIsInRpdGxlIjoiRnVsbFNpemVSZW5kZXIgNSIsImNhcHRpb24iOiIiLCJhbHQiOiIiLCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6IiJ9"]...

Grade 4 and Grade 5 students had the opportunity to attend the Quality Kathmandu Schools art show at Siddhartha Art Gallery in Barber Mahmal Revisited. As aspiring artists themselves, our students surveyed art created by older students from schools in Kathmandu. During the visit they...

IXL is a comprehensive learning program offering unlimited math practice problems in thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the Common Core. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to...