Our Secondary SAISA student-athletes met this afternoon to discuss a wide variety of topics including, but not limited to: sportsmanship, student autonomy and ownership, character development and expectations. Our athletes shared memories and values they had gained from previous experiences, while looking at setting individual...

Students in Grade 2  had their first lesson on the keyboards today! They were asked to identify all “C”, “D”, and “E” keys on the piano. After practicing "C", "D", and "E" they learned their first song applying the notes. The room was buzzing with excitement!     ...

Secret Smell Test The children had great fun using their sense of smell during our 'Secret Smell Test' activity. Click on a picture below to start the slide show [envira-gallery id="642"]...

  Dear Parents, Students in grades 3-8 will take an achievement test called Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP) in October. Elementary students (grades 3-5) will take the assessments from October 24-27th and secondary students (grades 6-8) from October 10-13th.  We give students MAP assessments to receive feedback...

Today in Advisory, 9th graders brainstormed positive habits for their 30-Day Challenge, a program to see small changes impact larger goals.  Advisors first shared this TED Talk with the students. They invite you to watch the TED Talk and think of your own 30-Day Challenge and join...

Grade 9 students get together at the Garden of Dreams on Saturday afternoon to promote socio-emotional wellness by learning healthy expression techniques and sharing positive interactions.  ...