Yesterday Grade 10 teamed up with Grade 3 to teach introductory lessons about their brains! Some of the lessons included topics like brain plasticity and brain development. Both groups are looking forward to future learning opportunities together!...

Visit our Facebook page and join the other 22, 546 people who like the page. It has been recently updated to include a portion of a new school video. Posts to the school's website, like this post, are automatically added to the school's Facebook and Twitter...

As part of Lincoln's balanced literacy program, which fosters a love for reading, the elementary classrooms have teamed up! Seen here, Grade 3 and Primary 1 reading buddies met in the P1 classroom. The students discovered new books, made predictions and connections, all while laughing...

Grade 7 students brainstormed, researched, shared, and practiced techniques to support their mental health. They came up with many great ideas! ...

Good afternoon, The kids continue to explore and forge to friendships in and out of the classroom. They are learning how to work cooperatively during class in a variety of ways. Reading The kids have worked on reading on their own and with a partner this week. ...

Students use coding during their technology orientation in the middle school exploratory ...