Students use coding during their technology orientation in the middle school exploratory ...
Typing is becoming more and more of a crucial skill for our students to develop. Our students each have a login for an online resource ( to help them become fluent typists. If the student has any trouble with their login or password they can contact the... Each of the students have a Raz-Kids reading account. These accounts are personalized to each student's reading level, helping them select appropriate. Students are encouraged to read stories and answer quiz questions to earn stars and level up! Students have their own individual logins for these resources....
As the grade five students are doing more and more research we need to keep our search results safe for us to digest. and are kid friendly search websites. While still using Google's search engine, it is filtered with students in mind....
Login to our online math programs like Prodigy. Mr. Curtis keeps it up to date with our current learning needs. Students have their own individual logins for these resources. If they need help with their username and password they can email the teacher....
Login - lskbrainpop Password - snowleopard Science - Our first science unit is going to focus on matter BrainPop: Watch a video and take the quiz: Changing states of matter Measuring matter Property changes of matter The law of conservation of mass All about atoms ...
Our Lincoln Snow Leopards have been sweating in the pool and on the volleyball and tennis courts, as SAISA practices are in full swing. We have had a strong turnout with around 40 swimmers, 40 boys' & girls' volleyball players and 10 tennis players trying out...
On Monday, August 21st, many Lincoln School students gathered at the beginning of lunch to load our vans and trucks with buckets of supplies for victims of the serious floods in the Terai region. In a week, students and families were able to put together...
Hotel Mulberry was the venue for the Lincoln High School Leadership Retreat on Sunday, August 20th. 30 students in grades 9-12 collaborated on a number of student-led initiatives involving service, school events, student leadership, athletics and activities. Our students reviewed our leadership mission and agreements...