Students in Grade 12 Advisory were busy starting their college applications on Friday. With the help of their advisors and counselors, students set up their Common Applications (Common App) and linked them to their Naviance accounts. Common App allows students to apply to many American...

We had another awesome week in first grade! This week we continued growing our classroom community by playing games, sharing about ourselves, and reviewing our classroom rules. We began building our reading and writing workshop routines, as well as developing our Everyday Math routines. Ask...

As we become more connected in this world, a case can be made for creating an environment that detaches us from that technology. Safe zone for kids Lincoln School requires all secondary students to have their own laptop. The laptops are monitored at school and the sites...

Goal setting and self-reflection are important steps of the learning process and a big part of being a Lincoln Learner. Grade 3 students began to set their learning course this week with School Year Resolutions! Each student reflected on area they would like to work on,...

Primary 1's guest reader - Mrs. Naro - had the class rolling with laughter with The Book With No Pictures. We love reading! ...