IXL is a comprehensive learning program offering unlimited math practice problems in thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the Common Core. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to...

Your child has access to award-winning digital resources through Kids A-Z, Learning A-Z’s website created for students. After your child logs in, each website your child’s teacher has subscribed to is shown. Your child can work on assignments or select other resources for reading and...

Good afternoon, This was a busy, fun-filled, week of learning and creating new friendships. The kids did a great job transitioning into their new roles as students in Primary 1. Reading The kids made predictions during story time about how a story will continue or end. Writing After...

Each grade level started off the new year singing and playing instruments. Grade 1 through Grade 5 brushed up their music reading skills in preparation for the piano unit, while Primary 1 and PreK/PS created music and practiced keeping a steady beat with percussion instruments....

As part of the Welcome Back Assembly this morning, students from each grade level shared something that they liked or appreciated from the first week back at school. A lower elementary student shared that their class got to play pizza tag this week in PE....

After reading a book about a character that has a hard time with their friendships, Grade 1 students identified ways they could be good friends and then drew pictures and wrote their ideas. [caption id="attachment_2283" align="alignnone" width="525"] "Smile. Eye contact. Be polite. Use manners."[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2284" align="alignnone"...