Political Cartoonby Geng Sanyavit Pattaranavakul My Political cartoon is about Kim Kardashian’s robbery that took place in Paris on October 3, 2016 during the Paris fashion week. Kim Kardashian is a famous reality TV star from the “E” channel which...

Antigone Essayby Elisa Gurung            The play Antigone, part of The Oedipus Cycle by Sophocles, takes place in Thebes of Ancient Greece. The main characters are Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus and sister of Polyneices and Eteocles, and Creon, the newly established king. Antigone and Creon...

Education and Slavery are Incompatibleby Glory PangDuring slavery, the slaves were deprived of human rights, and political and social freedom. Slaves were limited of resources and education which restricted them from memories of their culture, humanity, and independence. During the late 1800’s, Frederick Douglass was...