It's been a fun-filled week full of crazy hair, matching friends, and Lincoln support. The kids enjoyed participating in Spirit Week! This week in reading, the kids were introduced to their reading powers. They have learned that to help keep track of the words on the page, they should use pointer...

The kids had an amazing week leading up to the Dashain holiday. I'm very proud of all their efforts. Today, in your son/daughter's take-home folder there is his/her Lincoln School Student ID card. Just a reminder that when the kids return to school on October 22, it...

An end to another exciting week! The kids were busy writing stories that the class almost ran out of paper. In reading, the kids began using their reader’s notebook to draw and write about their favorite part of a story. On Monday, the Grade 12 students came...

Good afternoon, The kids just finished their 40th day in school and the month of September. It was an exciting month filled with fun and learning. The P1s shared a video showcasing their learning in reading and writing during the Fabulous Friday assembly today. On Wednesday, they...

On Friday, November 16th, the student organization Project Impact hosted a cleanup in the Rabi Bhawan neighborhood to raise awareness of the state of waste in the area, and highlight improper waste management techniques. The cleanup was very successful with a number of high school...

[google-drive-embed url="" title="Elementary Art Newsletter Weeks 13 and 14.pdf" icon="" width="100%" height="400" style="embed"]...

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The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis Audio from Youtube user - Ms. Clegg HMS Ms. Clegg Hms's Youtube Homepage Chapter 1 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 2 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 3 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 4 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 5 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 6 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 7 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 8 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 9 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 10 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 11 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 12 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 13 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 14 [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter 15 [audio...

David Neilsen Chats with Us About His Latest Book Beyond the Doors The students of Grade Five settled in on the carpet at the front of our room this morning in anticipation of speaking with David Neilsen, the author of the read aloud we just finished, Beyond the Doors. The...

David Neilsen Chats with Us About His Latest Book Beyond the Doors The students of Grade Five settled in on the carpet at the front of our room this morning in anticipation of speaking with David Neilsen, the author of the read aloud we just finished, Beyond the Doors. The...