[google-drive-embed url="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PiHQFAx0VuqszTqLU0M9IRNerMKsn0tn6vRjwZg7VUA/preview?usp=drivesdk" title="Elementary Art Week 7 and 8 " icon="https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/vnd.google-apps.document" width="100%" height="400" style="embed"]...

The Tale Of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo Audio found on YouTube - User: Fatoom A.J. Fatoom A.J.'s YouTube Page Chapter 1 to 15 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/The-Tale-of-Despereaux-Book-1-CH-1-15.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 16 to 23 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/The-Tale-of-Despereaux-Book-2-CH-16-23.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 24 to 33 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/The-Tale-of-Despereaux-Book-3-CH-24-33.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 34 to 52 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/The-Tale-of-Despereaux-Book-4-CH-34-52.mp3"][/audio]...

Fish In A Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt Audio from YouTube - User: Mrs. O'Shea Mrs. O'Shea's YouTube Homepage Chapter 1 to 3 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-Ch-1-3.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 4 to 6 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-CH-4-6.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 7 to 9 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-CH-7-9.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 10 to 12 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-Ch-10-12.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 13 to 15 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-CH-13-15.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 16 to 18 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-Ch-16-18.mp3"][/audio] Chapter 19 to 21 [audio mp3="https://www.lsnepal.com/grade-5/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2018/09/Fish-in-a-Tree-Ch-19-21.mp3"][/audio] Chapter...

Mr. Eugene Gabey (admissions representative from Lafayette College) and Rijan Maharjan (recent graduate of Lafayette and Yale Grad. School) recently visited with 10th, 11th and 12th grade students at Lincoln to discuss the value of studying at a Liberal Arts college. Important aspects of the University...

KATHMANDU, Nepal.-- The Lincoln School Swim Team continued to make waves at the 4th Lincoln School Swimming Championships hosted at our school swimming complex over the weekend. Swimmers from ages eight to 18 competed in a range of competitive events, showcasing their growth, sportsmanship, passion...

  In Grade 5 music we have been learning about folk music and protest music. To culminate our unit, we embarked on a creative journey to write our own protest song. Last week we traveled to the Kathmandu Jazz Conservatory to professionally record our product. The song will...

Dear Parents: We hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the busy week ahead. Some of us have enjoyed our families, others have been swimming their hearts out, and others have had a weekend escape out of town. Hopefully all have disconnected and...