Elementary Newsletter Week 5 & 6...
[google-drive-embed url="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_sH09FNM6WRjxnHxM3W4AQa3KqkTdu_Fz2rC7SZ3F8s/preview?usp=drivesdk" title="Elementary French week 5 and 6" icon="https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/vnd.google-apps.document" width="100%" height="400" style="embed"]...
Discover Kathmandu Valley with Anil Chitrakar! You are all invited to our first coffee afternoon this school year on Friday, September 14 from 3-4 pm at the Markerspace. Our guest speaker, Anil Chitrakar, will talk about Kathmandu Valley, its history, culture and festivals. Anil is a renowned...
The Grade Four and Five students buddied up to explored our online adaptive learning software. This software "adapts" with each individual student and continues to challenge them as they grow. Grade Five students took the lead and helped out our academic neighbors by sharing our...
Dear students, parents, staff and alumni: Lincoln School, with the support of the LSPA, are having a Welcome Picnic for all of you on Saturday, September 29 from 12.00-3.00PM on our campus. Please bring along the whole family. We will open up the pool, and have some other...
Come check out the display of new books in the Secondary Library, including the award-winning titles below. Click here to search for books in our Destiny Discover Library Catalog Hope to see you in the library!...
Elementary students and staff were cheering along to the High School Pep Band at the Monday morning assembly this week. Go Snow Leopards!...