Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry Chapter One - Flight [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter Two - The Sea [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter Three - The Island [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter Four - The Drums [audio mp3=""][/audio] Chapter Five - Homecoming [audio mp3=""][/audio]  ...

We celebrated the 2018-2019 school year's first Fabulous Friday, which marks the end of our first month of school. It has been filled with amazing memories and new friendships. The kids have taken the time to get to know each other and create strong bonds....

    [google-drive-embed url="" title="Week 3 & 4 Fortnight Newsletter from the Elementary Art room.pdf" icon="" width="100%" height="400" style="embed"]  ...

[google-drive-embed url="" title="Elementary French week 3 and 4" icon="" width="100%" height="400" style="embed"]...

This week students were each given a black box with mysterious contents. They were not able to open the box but somehow had to determine what was in the box and where in the box it was. Using their investigative skills, students modelled what they thought...

Happy Fabulous Friday Everyone! Here’s the end of the week update on our Grade Five experience at Lincoln School: This morning Mimi and Prakrati did a wonderful job hosting our Fabulous Friday assembly which showcased our singing talents and beginning of the year experiences in the lower...

Lincoln School was fortunate to have one of our very own parents and expert ventriloquist, Seema Golchha, perform in front of our Elementary School students and parents at our Friday Friday Morning Assembly this morning. Seema's routine had her hilariously voicing both a puppy and...

  Cover Image: Book cover, Enemy Pie by Derek Munson Today, on one of her bi-weekly visits, Ms. Hillary read Enemy Pie. She used the text to introduce a mischievous relationship that leads to an amusing and unexpected ending. The students came to the conclusion that the enemy...