Good afternoon, The classroom was buzzing this week! The kids were extremely productive in reading, writing, and math. They have worked independently and collaboratively in small groups to accomplish different tasks. This week the readers were introduced to their reading notebooks. They will use these notebooks as...

Happy Friday Everyone!   Here’s the weekly update on our Grade Five experience at Lincoln School:   In math, we hit the ground running in our first unit. We tackled area using a brand new method to us called “tiling.” It wasn’t everyone’s favorite, that’s why we also reinforced...

Peer to Peer Learning Leaves a Mark The READERS in Grade Five spent time this week looking into how other students their reflect on the reading they do.  We took note of what we thought these students were doing well and hopefully walked away with a...

It was a wonderful first week of school with all the Primary 1 and Grade 1 kids. They all did a fantastic job transitioning back into the school routine. This week the kids learned that they are all readers. We talked about how there are three...

The Grade 8 Exploratory class were (re)introduced to Health and Wellness this week, with the aim of creating a bulletin board that showcases the four dimensions of holistic health: Physical Health, Mental & Emotional Health, Social Health, and Intellectual Health. Students related these dimensions to the...

Good morning 4J families,   It was great getting to know your kids last week.  We had lots of fun playing name games, getting to know special things about each of us, and learning new procedures.  Your kids were busy writing a classroom constitution and coming up with...