AMMAN, Jordan. -- Never give up! That was the motto that the Lincoln Boys Basketball Team repeated over and over again; to keep fighting, and never give up till the final whistle. Since October, we put all our energy into what we did, each and...

If you are considering a visit to Lincoln School, please note that due to the coronavirus situation, we have made changes to our visitor protocol. The following enhancements were shared with our school community yesterday (02/03/2020): All current non-Lincoln School students, staff and parents will be...

On Friday, February 28, renowned author, Jan Reynolds, brought the many traditions and lifestyles of indigenous cultures into our Globe Theater - from the Aboriginals of Australia, to the Sherpas and Tibetans in the Himalayas, to the Toareg in the Sahara, to the Sami reindeer...

MUMBAI, India. -- SAISA Music and Art students were hard at work in Mumbai, India, during the recent mini-break! Our Music students spent time preparing music leading up to the festival and spent hours in rehearsals led by their brilliant guest conductors from New Delhi,...

New York City, USA -- On February 1st, 2020, Lincoln School Snow Leopards from the 60s all the way to the Class of 2019 congregated in Times Square for a night to remember. Around 100 Alumni from America to Nepal, from Iceland to Israel, joined...

Last weekend, the Lincoln Boys' Basketball team showed continued development in our annual Invitational Tournament. After graduating the whole starting five last year and with only two returning players, the boys are continuing the strong basketball culture at our school and are developing a positive...